direction signs with words saying old life pointing in one direction and new life pointing in the opposite direction

The Five Most Important Questions of Your Life

1. In your opinion, who do you think Jesus Christ is?
2. In your opinion, do you think that there is a literal heaven and hell?
3. In your opinion, if you were to die in your sleep tonight, do you know with complete certainty what will happen to you after you die?
4. In your opinion, if you were to die and find yourself standing in the presence of a living, holy God, and He asked you, “why should I let you into heaven,” what would you say?
5. Based on your answers to these first four questions, if what you believe about God, Jesus, heaven, hell, and the Bible were not true, would you want to know the Truth?

These five questions have been the catalyst for millions of people just like you to experience the supernatural love, joy, and peace that comes from knowing God personally. Someone may have already asked you these questions recently and this is why you are visiting our website right now.

If you are like the vast majority of people who have been asked these questions, you were not able to answer all of them with absolute certainty. BUT, if your answer was “YES” to the last question about wanting to know the Truth, the individual who invited you to visit this website wants to be certain that by the time you leave this website today, you will know with 100% certainty, the Truth about God, Jesus, heaven, hell, eternity, salvation, and the Bible.

Here are two things you should know before reading any further.

No matter how you came to be on this website, there are people who are praying for you even as you are reading this; and, the next few minutes of reading what follows may very well change the outcome of your life – eternally speaking.

Being saved.
Being born again.
Following Jesus.
Following Messiah.
Being a Christ-follower.
Becoming a child of God.
Being an authentic Christian.

Maybe you have heard someone use one of these before. For every one of these, there is only one way that this can happen. But first, so that there is no misunderstanding about what is and what is not the Truth about entering into a personal relationship with God, let’s look at what DOES NOT make you a Christian and DOES NOT get you into heaven.

Being a Christian and getting into heaven:
• IS NOT by being born into a “Christian” family.
• IS NOT by being a part of a particular church denomination or religious organization, or by being baptized into a particular church.
• IS NOT by doing good deeds, being kind to others, or doing more good than bad in your life in the hope of winning God’s approval.
• IS NOT by loving your neighbor as yourself, by giving money to the poor, helping the homeless, being kind to animals, caring about the environment, or striving for social justice.
• IS NOT by performing a set of rituals or methodologies that earn you favor with God.
• IS NOT through meditation, elevating your inner vibration, or changing your spiritual aura.
• IS NOT improving your positive karma, strengthening your life force, or living in the moment.
• IS NOT through an intellectual ascension to some sort of divine consciousness.
• IS NOT by following Buddha and chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, or some other mantra or incantation to achieve nirvana.
• IS NOT by reading the Quran and following after a man like Mohammed, praying towards Mecca three times a day, or adhering to Muhammad’s teachings.
• IS NOT by being christened, going through a confirmation process, making confessions of your sins to a priest, doing penance, reciting the rosary, praying to saints or the virgin Mary, or by receiving absolution for the wrongs you have done from a priest before you die.

None of these things will get you into heaven. None of these will bring lasting joy and peace to your eternal soul. And, most importantly, none of these will allow you to escape God’s Judgment when you die. We will ALL stand before a Holy eternal God and give an account for our lives.

When He asks, “Why should I let you into heaven,” what will you say?

Please read what comes next very thoughtfully. We don’t want you to miss a single word that is written here. Your eternal destiny depends upon it.


HEAVEN. There is a place known as heaven where God, the Creator of the universe and all that is good, resides. It is a literal place where His love, joy, and peace are found. Most importantly, it’s important that you know that only those who God sees as holy and without sin can enter into heaven and experience the love, goodness and forgiveness of God.

HELL. There is a place known as hell. It is a LITERAL place where the kingdom of darkness and evil will reside for eternity. The Bible describes hell as “eternal fire” and “eternal punishment” – a place of eternal separation from the love and goodness of God that is physically and emotionally agonizing. It is eternally-dark where suffering and endless torment consume the soul and body for an eternity. Jesus warns us through Scripture that hell is reserved for the fallen angel Lucifer (Satan), his demon angels, and every human on earth who has ever lived who has not been accepted by God into His kingdom of heaven.


God is Holy (without sin). Throughout Holy Scriptures God is revealed as being holy and righteous and just.

You and I are NOT holy. This is because mankind willfully chose to rebel against God and chose our own way. This act of rebellion brought sin into our lives. Sin is what makes us unholy. The unholy cannot stand in the presence of God because sin (our unholiness) separates us from God.

In other words, no one will get into heaven unless they are holy (without sin). This is very bad news for anyone who does not know the way to bridge this great divide between God who is holy (without sin) and man who is not holy (with sin).

The Bible tells us that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). It also tells us that “the wages of sin is death,” (Romans 6:23a).

To put it another way, we are ALL born into sin and have ALL sinned (rebelled against God) in our lives. The penalty of our sin is eternal separation from God both now and at the time of our physical death. This death is an eternal spiritual death and complete separation from God’s love and peace for all eternity.


The same scriptures that tell us that God is holy and that we are unholy, also reveals God’s great love for us and His desire to be in personal relationship with Him as it was in the beginning.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved” (John 3:16-17).

“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8).”


• God loves you more than you can imagine.
• He wants to have a personal and intimate relationship with you.
• Because He wants to have a relationship with you, He made a way to remove all of the sin (unholiness) that separates you from Him.
• God sent His son Jesus Christ (the Messiah) to earth to take all of your sins – past, present, and future – upon himself when He willingly allowed himself to be crucified and to die the criminal’s death that you and I deserve. This single act of sacrificial love for you and me means that IF we accept the free gift of salvation that He has for us, we will not suffer separation from Him when we die.

There is no other way to get into heaven. Jesus Himself said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)

When Jesus was asked how someone could enter into heaven, Jesus said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3)

From these and many many more Scriptures that are specific to how we are to keep from dying in our sins, you can discover exactly how you will be able to be accepted into heaven when you die. This is because He took all your sins upon Himself so that you would not have to.


Our salvation from our sinful nature and our rebellion against God is only by and through the person of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. It was God’s great love for you that opened up a way for you to become a friend (and child) of God.

Getting to heaven comes through recognizing our sinful nature, having godly sorrow for our sinful nature which leads us to want to turn away (repent) from our sinful desires. When we become truly sorry for our sinful lives before God, and choose to fully believe in, trust in, surrender to, and following after the person of Jesus Christ, we become born again.


This is the best news you will ever hear in your lifetime because the Creator of the universe – God Himself – wants to have a personal intimate relationship with you. He has done everything for you, and made a very clear and easy way for you to return to Him. Salvation is a totally free gift from God to you. All you need to do is receive it!

No matter where you are in your circumstances. No matter how badly you have failed. No matter how far away from God you think you are. No matter how terrible the sin is that have committed or are committing right now. The arms of God are wide open! Run to God with your whole heart and call out to the Savior of the world – Jesus Christ.


1. Recognize that your sin and disobedience to God separates you from God.
2. Choose to turn away from living your life on your own terms and choose to turn away from the sin that separates you from God.
3. Place your complete trust in and accept the free gift of salvation God has for you by accepting Jesus into your life.


Are you ready to turn away (repent) from your selfish attitudes and desire to choose your own way in life?

Are you ready to walk away from willfully sinning against God (the Bible calls this rebellion)?

If you are ready, the decision you make this moment will change your eternity.


Pray this prayer of salvation out loud to God:

“God, You are holy and I am not. I know that my sin against you breaks your heart. I am ready to change the way I have been living my life. I choose to repent of my sin and rebellion against you, and I desire to live my life for you now. I want to trust your son Jesus Christ as my Savior.

JESUS, BY FAITH, I believe in my heart that you died in my place for my sins. I believe that You conquered sin and death when you were raised from the dead. As an act of faith and my free will, I confess with my mouth out loud that You are Lord. I accept Your free gift of my eternal salvation. You are my Savior. I choose to make You Lord of my life.

Thank you for saving me from the consequences of sin. Change my heart and make it a new creation. Protect me from evil influences and strengthen my faith and trust in you. I want to live for you and when I die, I want to be with you in heaven. In Your name I pray Jesus. Amen.”


Did you pray this prayer with your whole heart? If you did, you are now spiritually alive to and fully accepted by God. In other words, you are SAVED NOW! By the grace of God, through your child like faith to trust Him as your Savior, YOU HAVE BEEN SPIRITUALLY BORN AGAIN.

No matter what you may have done up until this point in your life, God no longer holds it against you or even remembers your sin and rebellion against Him. In Psalm 103:12 we are assured that once we turn to and follow Jesus the Messiah, God “casts your sins as far as east is from west and remembers them no more.”

When He looks at you, He sees the blood sacrifice of Jesus that has fully washed your sins away. He sees you as His child. He sees you as His friend. You have been born again spiritually. WELCOME TO THE FAMILY OF GOD!


Tell Someone. Take a moment and call or write the person who sent you here. They have been praying for you – for this moment in your life to happen – for you to be born again.

Tell them what you have just done. They will be really excited to know you have trusted Jesus as your savior.

“Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.” — Jesus (Matthew 10:32-33)

If you would like to make your profession of faith public, you can let us know in one of several ways:

1. Leave a comment on our Facebook page or Instagram @SavedNowOutreach saying you have just prayed to receive Christ as your savior and chosen to make Him Lord of your life.
2. Email us at When you do, we will send you some important information to help you start your walk with Jesus.
3. Let those you know who are Christians know what you have just done. The more you talk about it, the more you will begin to experience things that can only be explained as God’s supernatural intervention and grace (unmerited favor) in your life. Your faith will grow. Your excitement will grow. Your mind will begin to process everything around you in an entirely new ETERNAL light.


How do you know you are saved now? One of the most obvious ways to know is that when you experience authentic conversion (being born again), it will be difficult to keep from saying something to someone because you will realize how grateful to God you are for the new life you have been given.

Tell someone.
Tell everyone.
Jesus is your savior and you have been saved now!